Saturday 31 August 2013

Broken up with someone lately? Or just need a chill pill?

Broken up with someone lately??


There is now an app to save the day! Killswitch was launched on Valentines Day this year and will assist with mending even the most broken heart. We all have those photos on facebook that we dread sorting through and deleting one by one so Killswitch is here to save the day and is only 0.99c on the Apple App Store..Money well spent!


The app will go through your facebook and discreetly remove pictures, videos, wall posts and of course those loved up status updates from the times that you believed he was ‘The One’.


Still a little uncertain if you are ready for that step? Don’t stress…all photos are saved to a private album on facebook so if you do reconcile, then you can always re-add the photos and its smiles all round but for now, it’s a quick way to rip that bandaid off.


Catch? You must be friends with your ex to do it… It’s kind of a big catch…


Another awesome app that EVERYONE (boys and girls) should download is called ‘Drunk Dial NO! Block Mistakes’.


I love this App! I would love to download this on to A LOT of people’s phones; you know the type of people who sneak off to the bathroom to call their lovers on a ‘girls/boys night only’ (okay so that’s me..) or even those girls who you know are coming on too keen to a guy and they just need to cease contact for at least 24 hours (in fact not just girls, boys can come on pretty keen too!) well this App is designed to block particular contacts for a certain amount of time, you can choose just one hour (that’s if you are trying to force yourself not to reply to a text too quickly so you come across all cool and shit) or 48 hours (that could perhaps be a ‘bride to be’ going out on a hens night and she isn’t aloud to contact her groom). This app is a must have on all devices and guess what? It’s only 0.99c..go for it ladies and gents


  1. Hahaha where were those when we were single!! 45 updates Missy - get on to it!!

    Kayte xx

    1. Ha, Andy always tells me too but we both know I never listen! I know though, these apps could have saved a truck load of drama..
